Sunday, November 23, 2008


I'm sure everybody sometimes have dreams during their sleep. Be it a fun or funny dream, or even a nightmare, most people will eventually forget about the dreams when they're awake.

"Mimpi adalah mainan tidur", that's what we always heard right? But are all dreams = mainan tidur? I wonder about that. Even the prophet got revelations through dreams, and sometimes mothers get nightmares when their children are in harm.

I've always have same dreams when I was a teenager. Sometimes for a few days straight. One of the dreams that I remembered most was that I was riding a camel through the desert. A man was holding the string on the camel's neck, a man which I can't remember seeing his face. I don't remember how many times I dreamt of the dream, but I still can remember how it felt.

The surrounding was a little gloomy, maybe it was dawn. I felt cold, and scared of something, but due to the man's present, I felt a little okay inside. Now what was that dream supposed to mean? Haha..

Other dream that I remembered was, one day I got a gold bangle. Forgot who gave it to me, an aunt maybe? But the bangle was really beautiful and glittering and shiny etc etc. I was so happy until somebody woke me up for something which I forgot, then when I tried to sleep again to get into the same dream, I just couldn't. Ah...such a waste. Kakak la ni yang kejut isk..isk...

Nowadays I can only remember nightmares, but not long after I wake up, the memories about the dream just gone. I'm so scared of dark surrounding, and ending up sleeping with the lights on. It started early this year when I got nightmares every night and felt pressure on my chest when I woke up (kena tekan). Sometimes I wasn't even sure whether I was in a dream or not. However, the pain was real... Huuu *scary*scary*

Moral of the story, solat isyak dulu, basuh kaki and baca doa sampai tertido :P


Troisnyx said...

about your comment on my French exam:
note - not very long ago I didn't have an ambition. Now having discovered that I can talk on points of law AND write music to touch people's hearts, I want to live that dream. So. Yeah. Why salute me ?

anyway. I'd always want a dreamless sleep. :)

Troisnyx said...

Oh yeah. Almost forgot. Go take a good look at the first post of my blog. Damn funny. I'm especially horrified because they translated your username (Kunci) wrongly.

Asfan Ash said...

U think u could do that?? Get into the same dream after u woke up? Hahahhaha

But, if u've found the way, pls lemme know.. I had nightmare recently and wish to kejar those hantu back hahaha

cpy/pst said...

macam kenal dak ni~...

ive linked u btw and congratz in being part of the YS project!..^^...

melor said...

omg annete, i cant believe they translated my name too?hahahaha


im still finding ways to get into same that i can meet the desert prince again. and i wont let you know if i do, hahahaha :P


thanks.i've done the same :D

Asfan Ash said...

u r sooo kedekut...

melor said...

hahahaa..tipu jelah :P

Anonymous said...

mimpi apekah?? hes hes hes...

melor said...

mimpi enak la.hes hes~

cpy/pst said...

aku kalu bermimpi mesti bersiri~
cam ader episod..
pelik gak

melor said...

uih...hebat nih.dah episod akhir ke belom?wahahhaha

cpy/pst said...

lepas ni episod 23...
lagi 2 episod settle season 1

melor said...
